Tuesday, June 01, 2010


I finished my first short story. Why do we procrastinate even the things we enjoy? I am taking this class for fun and I still waited until the last minute to finish the story. Le sigh. Anyway, I am thinking of starting a new blog and linking it to this one to put my short stories. Not now, though, first I am going to take it to class and see if my teacher tears it to shreds, if he does I may chicken out on sharing it. Amy has agreed to do an illustration for each of my stories, I'd like to put together a little anthology of all of them and gift them to you all one day. Oops, I just told you a gift. Is that vapid and narcissistic to think you would want that as a gift? Maybe, but I'll still be able to sleep tonight. Ok.
ps. I'm pumped about Amber's bday and seeing you all. Ok.


naya said...

i would love an anthology of your short stories. i have alwas loved rosie stories.

NathanSidener said...

are you taking a trip out to LA soon?

tim said...

1. I'd like to read that story now. The original version, straight from you head, before you may change it. Send it over, maybe.... :)

2. Although, I think the anthology idea is pure awesomeness. So I'd like to read it then also. In that order.