Thursday, November 20, 2008

Books, Books, Books:

I am on a book frenzy. I, just this morning ,finished Into the Wild. Just as everyone who read it before me it left me with feelings of unease, shame and passion. I find it curious that we (the collective we) are so pre-disposed to being affected by this story in almost identical ways. It confirms our kindred spirits.

Also, purchased: The Good Thief (the book club choice of the month), The Border Trilogy (recommended by Paul and Jennifer), and Inkheart (recommended by the best friend). Pretty much I blew a decent portion of my first paycheck on books, of which I am not regretting in the least.

I hope everyone is well. I am going to see my mom for Thanksgiving, looking forward to that. Miss you all.


Anonymous said...

Inkheart is beautiful. you will love it.

Lauren said...

selfishly-i cannot wait for you to visit your brosef in the land of port...

you think we could invent a book club where we all send each other books through the mail so that we all share and discuss the adventures in the literacy world...?