Wednesday, November 05, 2008


So...nurses only work three days a week.

You are asking, "Is she actually complaining about having 4 days off a week?"

No..No, she isn't, but it is odd.

I went from a 7 day week while I was in school, to having 4 days off to do whatever the hell I want. And I've realized, I've become kind of boring. Almost like a vegetable. I lay like broccoli. (Where did that saying come from?) I digress, anyways I need a new goal, or something to throw my time in to. I have a few ideas, but in the mean time PLEASE tell me if there is a book, an album, a movie that will fill the hours happily. I've been pretty "All Nursing All the Time" for the last few years; surely I missed something note worthy?


pedronegro said...

You should start watching the Sopranos. It will consume your time. Lauren and I love it, and well now Nate does now too.

SIde note. You could take four day mini vacations to visit all your friends in Portland and meet Joeys special ladyfriend.

la gloria, la gloria, la gloria said...

I hear Az is nice about this time. Check out the Border Trilogy by Cormac McCarthy, or "Counter Revolution and Revolt" by Herbert Marcuse.

Lauren said...

i read jonathon safron foer (i think thats his name) who wrote everything is illuminated. but his second book; extremely loud and incredibly close, i read was so refreshing. it was the the mind of a child captured with such seriousness and curiosity at the same time.

Nate said...

Top 5 things you should do with your extra time:
1. Start a TV show on DVD. My recommendations: The Sopranos, Weeds, and my personal favorite The OC.
2. Become a body builder. 4-6 hours a day training at the gym.
3. Build a Mega Lego land.
4. Drugs, Alcohol, Pills. Anything to get you high and fill up the day. Including in this would be laying out by a pool drinking margarita til you pass out.
5. Kniting sweaters

The Talbot Family said...


I'm with Nate. Become a health food/exercise NUT in the mornings. And then hang out by the pool sippin margaritas in the afternoon. But all this talk of TV seasons will kill you. You'll be spending 4 days cooped up with curtains drawn. Don't do it Rose!

J Piacentini said...


d. vanheule said...

all good ideas, my personal one for you rose is not super specific, but it is you, whatever it is, knowing you like i do, it will need a theme. maybe a good possible theme could be "the new rosie" what an exciting opportunity you have! you have not become boring, more the opposite actually, you've filled your slate friend, you can now wipe it clean and discover the next new horizon! if i were to make any suggestions though... one might be mastering extreme desert survival techniques or mastering extreme urban desert survival techniques. dexter is also a kick ass show.

j.a.c. said...

I'm with Joey.

j.a.c. said...

Also, I received your letter. Thank you Friend. A reply will... well... will be coming within the next 5-6 months I'll say. :( Sad but true.

Well no, by Christmas/Rosie's birthday season.

amber said...

lay like broccoli is a quote from pretty woman...

read the inkheart trilogy by cornelia funke.

also, you can start returning my letters! (did that sound bitter?)