Friday, September 19, 2008

Rallying it up:

So, on Wednesday I went with my grandma and her VERY chatty friend Barb out to Cashman baseball field to see Senator Obama. It was a long day, being with those women, who literally did not stop talking for 6 hours straight....but well worth it.

We lined up around 1:30 and they opened the doors at 2:30. From the time we sat down till the senator took the stage, the Obama campaign swarmed the field to get the stage, lighting , and podium ready. What was funny is that no one in his campaign looked over the age of 40. In fact, the way these kids worked was not unlike the way we used to set up chapel at camp before a group came in. It felt good, and honest, watching them work hard with smiles on their faces. Obviously, they were a group of people who believed in their cause. While they worked, music played, I like to call it the "Obama Playlist". It ranged from The Supremes and Hank Williams to Foo Fighters and Tom Petty. Good Stuff. Obama did not speak until a little after 5. He spoke mostly on the economy and the dangerous deregulation of the market (it took place on the day the gov bailed out AIG). As far as Obama himself he was eloquent and easy with the crowd. He had a humble way about him. He was taller than I expected. Truth is, I've been watching him so much lately online and on TV that I felt like it wasn't the first time I'd seen him (ahh, the digital age).

I'm saving my favorite part for last (minus being that close to Obama). The Crowd. It was SUCH a diverse crowd. If all facets of America had to be represented that could have been accomplished with this crowd. There were families with strollers and snack packs, elderly people with walkers, young punks with mohawks, old salt and pepper gray hippies from my mom's generation, and us, the twenty/thirty somethings: all hipstered out, and all attached to our cell phones. The stadium smelt like soft pretzels and hot dogs, people were happy and laughing, getting to know the person seated next to them. Kids were playing tag on the field beyond the stage set up, it felt good and American. And as Obama came out everyone stood and cheered. In particular, I noticed the man working the concession stand, an old toothless black man wearing an Obama button on his grease stained apron came out from behind his stand down to the seats to cheer and smile. I just thought, "what a moment this must be for that guy".

Overall, I'm thrilled I went, not just for the chance to see Obama, but for the chance to see Americans.


Andrew said...

Awesome. Sounds way better than Russia I mean Alaska.

amber said...

nicely put, rosie.

tim said...

that was really beautiful. thank you.

Lauren said...

you have a way about yourself that is so refreshingly stated. thanks for sharing.