Monday, June 23, 2008

Stolen: From DV Heule

Things that are good:
- The new cheap Chinese food place called "Healthy Chinese" across the street from the school
- The way my ends always meet, somehow, some way, by some miracle
- All of the lovely people who are making plans to come for my graduation
-June, the birth month of two very important figures in my life: Amber Pool and Jennifer Chapman.
- The "misfortune cookies" my amusingly pessimistic Community Nursing professor passes out each week in class. You learn about something devastating while enjoying a cookie.
- My friends I've made in school
- Swimming in the summer
-The Sex & the City movie
-My new love and over use of glittery puffy paint.
-Annie Dillard
-Obama Mania
-My brother taking some sweet ass Lomography pictures
-Taking care of little babies


d. vanheule said...

big improvement. i dig!

Nick said...

Sex and the City is not okay Rosie. Its a Golden Girls ripoff. I long for the days of Blanch and Rose.